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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Closing the Sale with Mailers

By Zach Thompson

One of the hardest parts of doing business is actually closing the sale. It is rare for people to buy on impulse, and this means you will have to work with prospective customers to close the sale. One of the most powerful tools you can use is a mailer.

What is a mailer? It is a sequence of messages set up on your autoresponder. These messages are scheduled and sent to your recipient at timed intervals. They are used primarily for closing sales, or getting prospects to join your opportunity.

Setting up: Setting up a mailer is easy to do. Firstly you will need to subscribe to an autoresponder service. You can do this by paying a monthly subscription fee, and they will take care of list management and sending out emails. You will write 6 or 10 messages and then schedule them to go out at certain dates. They can be daily, weekly or whatever your business needs. You can set up a link to your mailer sequence on your website or in your newsletter.

More information: The most common form of mailer for closing a sale is one that provides more information. Many people will want more information on a product before buying. They will click on a link, on your website or in your newsletter to get this.

This mailer can be set up with 6 daily messages or any number of messages over any period of time! They will be presenting the benefits of your product or service and giving more information. This is a powerful way to close many sales and once you have set it up will run on autopilot.

When recruiting your team for MLM business purposes, mailers are very good for persuading prospects to join your network. They can again be set up for daily messages about your opportunity and of course emphasizing the benefits of joining. Do not make this a hard sell; always use soft sell, and pre selling tactics. Make your prospects curious and excited to know more so that they will eventually join your opportunity.

Make multiple mailers: Make more than one mailer and split test. Split your prospects list by using different links. Send one mailer to one section of your prospects and another to the other section. See which one gains the most team members. You will then know which mailer to use for maximum efficiency. Use different ones for multiple opportunities. You can offer your established team members a chance to join related opportunities. Once they trust you they will often be happy to join you in other ventures.

As you can see mailers can be used very successfully to close sales and best of all they will work on autopilot. This will save you time and a lot of advertising money.

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Zach Thompson is a 23 year-old network marketer & marketing consultant. Why Zach Thompson?