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Monday, January 28, 2008

Ebooks + EBay = Quick List Building Strategy

By Ray Johnson

There are many ways to utilize ebooks and eBay to create an online business. Most think that it consists only of selling ebooks to as many buyers as possible. While that can be the core of your eBay ebook business, especially if you are able to upsell your buyer to maximize sales, there is another less well known strategy utilizing ebooks that could jump start your online career faster than anything else. You can utilize eBay to build your subscriber list.

There are two significant facts that together make this strategy very successful. Fact 1, eBay has the largest volume of rabid buyers on the planet. Fact 2, the secret to having the most successful internet marketing business is building a good list. When you combine those two elements you create a powerful internet marketing tool.

Why does it make sense to build a list? If you sell an ebook to a customer, and then that customer leaves, you have profit from that one sale, but then you have to attract another buyer to make another sale. The concept of the list, is to make a sale to your customer, but then get his or her name and email so that you can sell to them again and again and again.

That one customer that bought a 99 cent ebook from you on eBay could turn into a customer that ends up spending hundreds of dollars with in the future. It's like having your customer come back every week to buy another item from you, but instead of your customer going to you, you go to your customer.

It makes absolute logical sense that if you are presented with a large number of willing buyers, you should take advantage of that and siphon some of that traffic into your business. Ebooks are an effective way of doing that. One of the most effective ways to do that is to send your buyer to a download page to get his product.

The download page is designed so that your buyer must submit his name and email to you in order to get his purchase. Now that you have your buyers email, you can market to them any time you want just by sending them an email. As an extra incentive, you may even want to reward your customer for providing their email information by giving them a free bonus ebook along with their purchase.

You may even want to sell ebooks for one cent as an incentive to get subscribers to your list. Many internet marketers do exactly that, they give away free ebooks to entice their visitors to sign up for their email list. Since you are not allowed to sell ebooks at no cost on eBay the next best thing is to sell them for one cent.

Ebay is the largest pond in the world if you are fishing for buyers. What's more you are guaranteed that the fish in that pond want to buy stuff. That's the only reason they are there. What better fish to hook as subscribers to your email list? The formula: Ebooks + Ebay = Quick List Building Strategy is a great one to follow. Use that formula properly and you will build your list of willing buyers in no time.

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